The Art of War by Sun Tzu

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First published: 5th Century BC

Number of Words: 11,000

Avg. Time to Read: 1 hour

Translator: Lionel Giles


The Art of War is one of the most influential military strategy texts ever written. Originally composed in ancient China over 2,500 years ago, this classic treatise outlines principles of warfare and philosophies of leadership. To this day, it remains thoroughly relevant and continues to shape military thought and practice around the world.

The anonymous author behind this seminal work was a high-ranking military general named Sun Wu, also known as Sun Tzu. Living during the Warring States period, Sun Tzu drew from his immense battlefield experience to articulate timeless concepts in the book’s 13 chapters. He advocated approaches like strategic positioning, tactical misdirection, flexibility in planning, and minimizing collateral damage – well ahead of their time.

For centuries after publication, The Art of War was required reading for officers across East Asia. It also gained popularity among political leaders and statesmen for its focus on strategic thinking over brute force. Its influence then spread globally as interpretations were published in European languages in the early 20th century. Today, the text remains a central part of military curriculums and is widely recognized as foundational for strategic development.

Though written specifically about warfare and soldiers, The Art of War transcends its original context. Countless scholars, executives, and creators in diverse fields continue to draw inspiration from its nuanced advice on gaining advantage through preparation, creativity, and optimal resource allocation. The book’s lessons reveal a deep understanding of human psychology and practical wisdom that have kept it renowned for more than two millennia.


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