Support 250 WPM

Dear Friends and Supporters of 250 WPM,

At 250 WPM, we take great pride in providing a curated selection of public domain ebooks in PDF and ePub formats. While we may not have the largest collection of ebooks on the internet, what we do offer is a carefully chosen collection of works by the greatest thinkers throughout history.

Each book that we add to our library is selected with great care and deliberation. We believe that the works we provide are not only timeless, but also essential to the development of a well-rounded and informed worldview. Our collection spans a wide range of disciplines, from philosophy to literature to science, and we are constantly adding new titles to ensure that our library remains relevant and engaging.

We understand that in today’s world, there is no shortage of information available at the click of a button. However, we also believe that not all information is created equal. Our mission is to provide our users with access to the best and most important works of human thought, so that they may engage with the ideas that have shaped our world.

Running a website like ours is not without its costs, however. From server hosting to maintenance to development, we rely on the generosity of our community to keep our mission alive. That’s why we are asking for your support.

By donating to 250 WPM, you are helping us to cover our operating costs and continue providing access to the greatest works of human thought. Your contribution, no matter how small, makes a real difference. With your support, we can continue to maintain our website, keep our servers running smoothly, and fulfill our mission of providing access to the greatest works of human thought.

We understand that everyone’s financial situation is different, and we do not want to put any undue pressure on our community to donate. Instead, we simply ask that you consider the value that 250 WPM brings to your life and consider making a contribution if you are able. Every little bit helps, and we are deeply grateful for any support you can provide.

Thank you for your generosity and for sharing our commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.

The 250 WPM Team

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