The History Of The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides

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First published: Late 5th Century BC

Number of Words: 206,000

Avg. Time to Read: 15 - 20 hours

Translator: Richard Crawley


In his landmark work The History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides sought to create an accurate record of the conflict between Athens and Sparta that would stand the test of time. He began by establishing the growing tensions between the two city-states in the decades leading up to open warfare. Through firsthand accounts and rigorous research, he traced the origins of the war to a series of disputes over allies and territorial claims. This provided crucial context for understanding the escalating rivalry between the dominant Greek powers.

Thucydides chronicled the early years of the 27-year war, which began in 431 BC. He detailed Athens’ strategy of avoiding direct battles and relying on its strong navy while Sparta invaded the Attic countryside year after year. Through meticulous notetaking, the historian constructed a narrative outline of key campaigns, battles, and their outcomes on both land and sea. His reporting brought a new level of strategic and tactical analysis to the study of military history.

In some of the most impactful sections of his work, Thucydides investigated turning points that shifted the tide of the war one way or another. This included Athens’ brief resurgence after the Battle of Pylos and the disastrous Sicilian Expedition that drained their resources and morale. Through firsthand interviews and a diligent cross-examination of sources, he strove to present an unvarnished accounting of the critical events and decisions that determined the fortunes of war.

In his final book, Thucydides concluded the war’s climax and conclusion. He described Sparta gaining the upper hand through able commanders like Lysander and Athens surrendering unconditionally in 404 BC after over two decades of bloodshed. For generations since, his monumental history has stood as the definitive record of the Peloponnesian War, setting a new benchmark for scholarly historical method and analysis that still resonates today.


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