Studies In Pessimism by Arthur Schopenhauer

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First published: 1851

Number of Words: 31,000

Avg. Time to Read: 2 - 3 hours

Translator: T. Bailey Saunders


Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher best known for his work on pessimism and the nature of will. Later in life, he compiled a collection of essays that became known as “Studies in Pessimism”, published in 1846. This collection contained nine essays exploring his deeply pessimistic worldview.

The first essay, “On the Sufferings of the World”, examines how suffering is an inherent part of human existence due to our desires. Other essays such as “The Vanity of Existence” and “On Suicide” further delve into Schopenhauer’s belief that life holds no real meaning or value. “Immortality: A Dialogue” discusses his views on death and the afterlife. Two additional essays, “Further Psychological Observations” and “On Education”, analyze human psychology and development through a lens of inevitable suffering.

Schopenhauer also included controversial essays analyzing gender, such as “Of Women”. In this essay, he proposes a number of misogynistic views that reflected the social attitudes of his time. The final essay in the collection, “On Noise”, examines how noise disrupts our ability to find temporary respite from suffering. Through these essays, Schopenhauer sought to convince readers that pessimism should be considered a valid and truthful philosophy about the human condition.

The collection of essays in “Studies in Pessimism” provided deep insights into Schopenhauer’s profoundly bleak worldview. He believed all human actions and desires ultimately stem from an intrinsic will to live that can never be fully satisfied. This results in a life of meaningless and unavoidable suffering, in his view. The essays left an influential mark in establishing pessimism as a philosophy.


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