Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

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First published:

Number of Words: 115,200

Avg. Time to Read: 8 - 10 hours


The Nicomachean Ethics is one of Aristotle’s most influential works of philosophical ethics. Considered a seminal text in the development of virtue ethics, it outlines Aristotle’s theory of ethics and examines concepts like virtues, moral character, free will, responsibility, and happiness. The original Greek title was “Eudemian Ethics”, named after Aristotle’s friend Eudemus, but it is now commonly known as the Nicomachean Ethics, as it was dedicated to his son Nicomachus.

In this work, Aristotle analyzes concepts like eudaimonia, often translated as “happiness” or “well-being”, and argues that it is the highest human good achievable through living a virtuous life and maintaining a balanced harmony between reason and passion. He identifies moral virtues as traits of character like courage, generosity, honesty, and fairness that can be developed through practice and habit. Aristotle also examines moral and intellectual virtues and their role in helping achieve eudaimonia.

The Nicomachean Ethics has had immense influence on both philosophical and religious ethics in many traditions. It helped establish the new field of philosophical ethics in Western thought and is considered one of the most important treatises on ethics and moral philosophy ever written.


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