Beyond Good & Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche

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First published: 1886

Number of Words: 64,800

Avg. Time to Read: 4 - 6 hours


“Beyond Good and Evil” was Friedrich Nietzsche’s major philosophical work published in 1886. In it, Nietzsche puts forward one of his most radical ideas – the assertion that the fundamental distinction between good and evil does not objectively exist. Instead, Nietzsche argues that this distinction is a subjective construct that has been imposed by philosophical and religious traditions. He aims to challenge conventional Western morality by “going beyond” the traditional dichotomy of good versus evil.

The work consists of 296 aphorisms and observations exploring ideas like the “will to power” and criticisms of objectivity, truth and traditional metaphysics. Nietzsche asserts that what has traditionally been labeled as “good” is merely the expression of the will of the weak over the strong. He attacks concepts like altruism and selflessness as covert forms of aggression. Instead, Nietzsche celebrates the strong, creative individual and calls for a new philosophical framework to re-evaluate morality outside of religious and metaphysical frameworks.

“Beyond Good and Evil” was highly controversial in Nietzsche’s time but has endured as one of his most influential works. It played a key role in shaping postmodern and existentialist thought and challenged conventional morality. The book remains widely discussed for its revolutionary ideas questioning traditional philosophical assumptions about concepts like truth and objective value judgments. Nietzsche’s bold style and provocative ideas continue to inspire both praise and criticism.


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