1984 by George Orwell

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First published: June 1949

Number of Words: 105,000

Avg. Time to Read: 7 - 9 hours


Published in 1949, George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece 1984 depicts a totalitarian surveillance state where individualism and free thought have been mercilessly crushed. The novel was partly inspired by Orwell’s experiences witnessing the rise of fascism in Europe during the 1930s and 40s. Having fought against Francisco Franco’s fascist forces in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell was disillusioned by Stalinist repression and alarmed by the expansion of totalitarian regimes. 1984 reflects his fear of unchecked government overreach and the possibility this could one day be reality.

Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning to the world. Though set in a fictional superstate called Oceania, it was widely understood as a commentary on the authoritarianism of both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. The novel introduced now ubiquitous concepts like “Big Brother” and “thought police” that demonstrated the danger of absolute political power combined with mass surveillance and control of information. Published at the dawn of the Cold War, 1984 struck a nerve by depicting how totalitarian states aimed to control not just people’s actions, but even their own thoughts and ability to question the ruling ideology.

The chilling vision of perpetual war, omnipresent surveillance and rigid control of language presented in 1984 left an indelible mark on readers and popular culture. It highlighted the fragility of democracy and risk of sliding into oppressive dictatorship if citizens were to sacrifice too many freedoms in the name of security. Over 70 years later, Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece remains profoundly relevant for its unflinching critique of totalitarianism and timeless warning against complacency towards threats to civil liberties and independent thought.


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