An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume

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First published: 1748

Number of Words: 58,000

Avg. Time to Read: 4 - 5 hours


An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding is a book written by Scottish philosopher David Hume, published in 1748. It was Hume’s first attempt to present his unique philosophical views to a general audience in a clear and simplified manner. In the Enquiry, Hume set out to explore the limits of human understanding through an examination of the mind and its operation.

The book has its roots in Hume’s earlier A Treatise of Human Nature published in 1739. However, the Treatise was criticized for being too dense and abstract. For the Enquiry, Hume simplified and reorganized his views into a more accessible format. He focused on exploring key topics like causation, belief, and reasoning through a series of philosophical essays. Hume utilized an empirical, skeptical approach to undermine rationalist theories of knowledge and metaphysics that were dominant at the time.

Through the Enquiry, Hume aimed to establish the proper boundaries of the human capacity for knowledge and reason. He argued that all of our ideas are derived from sensory impressions and that we have no rational justification for beliefs like causation, the external world, the self, and God. Hume believed that philosophers placed too much faith in reason and did not acknowledge properly the limits imposed by nature on human understanding. The Enquiry had a significant impact through its novel empiricist and skeptical perspective.

Upon its publication, the Enquiry was met with both praise and criticism from Hume’s contemporaries. It achieved wider readership than his previous works and established him as an important Enlightenment thinker. The Enquiry remains one of Hume’s most accessible works and is still widely read today for its empiricist challenges to rationalist thought and its influence on later philosophers such as Kant. It made lasting contributions to epistemology, metaphysics, and the history of philosophy.


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