Confessions by Augustine

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First published: c. 400 AD

Number of Words: 112,500

Avg. Time to Read: 8 - 10 Hours

Translator: E. B. Pusey (Edward Bouverie)


Confessions is widely considered to be Augustine of Hippo’s most influential work. He began writing the 13-volume autobiographical work in 397 AD when he was 43 years old and had been bishop of Hippo for over a decade. In Confessions, Augustine lays bare his entire life story for the reader, baring his soul and journey towards conversion to Christianity. He delves deeply into his emotional and spiritual state at different periods of his life to provide insights into how internal human experiences and the workings of memory shape an individual.

A dominant theme throughout Confessions is Augustine’s profound wrestling with sin, sexuality, and his own human weaknesses. He describes in great detail his philosophy of living for pleasure and sensual gratification prior to his conversion. However, he also recounts beautiful moments where he felt grace and witnessed God at work in his life even during these periods of waywardness. His powerful memoir charts a process of introspection and search for understanding of God’s nature, purposes, and gift of free will to humanity.

Confessions had an immense influence on Western philosophy and Christian theology. It shaped the landscape of autobiography and spiritual journey writing in profound ways. The work details Augustine’s philosophical outlooks and theological doctrines on sin, will, time, memory, Scripture, and creation that went on to be tremendously impactful. His fusion of classical education and faith insights brought philosophical rigor and examination to early Christian thought.

Through Confessions, Augustine also penned some of the most poignant reflections on God, faith, love, and redemption ever written. The combination of intellectual wrestling, spiritual longing, poetic flare, and raw autobiographical storytelling made Confessions a radically innovative work that has stood the test of time. It remains widely read today for its intellectual insights as well as profound beauty and emotional candor.


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