Discourse On The Method by René Descartes

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First published: 1637

Number of Words: 23,000

Avg. Time to Read: 1.5 - 2.5 hours


“Discourse on the Method” is a philosophical and autobiographical work written by René Descartes and published in 1637. In this influential piece, Descartes reflects on his own intellectual journey and outlines his methodological approach to philosophy and science.

The book is divided into six parts, each discussing a different aspect of Descartes’ method. He begins by expressing his skepticism towards accepted knowledge and traditional authorities, advocating for a radical doubt as the starting point for genuine inquiry. Descartes then introduces his famous maxim, “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am), as the first indubitable truth upon which he can build his system of knowledge. He proceeds to discuss his method of systematic doubt, where he critically examines his beliefs one by one, discarding any that can be doubted. Descartes then presents his argument for the existence of God and the immortality of the soul, providing a foundation for his metaphysical and epistemological views.

“Discourse on the Method” is a landmark piece in the history of philosophy, marking the beginning of modern Western philosophy and the rise of rationalism. Descartes’ emphasis on doubt, reason, and the search for certainty has had a profound impact on subsequent philosophical and scientific thought. The book remains a significant contribution to the field, inviting readers to engage with Descartes’ ideas and his quest for truth and knowledge.


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