Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

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First published: 1321

Number of Words: 113,000

Avg. Time to Read: 7 - 10 hours


Written between 1308 and 1321, The Divine Comedy is considered Dante’s magnum opus and one of the greatest works of world literature. Set as an allegorical journey through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, it reflects the medieval Christian view of the afterlife. As both a poet and exiled Florentine politician at the time of writing, Dante drew heavily on his own experiences but also aimed to synthesize Christian theology with classical and contemporary philosophies. His depiction of the souls of Pagans, Christians and anti-Christs navigating the afterlife struck a chord with medieval readers and has since influenced global culture.

Dante composed The Divine Comedy during the turbulent political climate of 14th century Italy, when he was exiled from his beloved Florence due to his family’s involvement in Italian Guelph-Ghibelline conflicts. As a result, the poem contains scathing critiques of his political rivals and contemporaries and calls for moral reform. It also touches on complex medieval concepts of theology, philosophy, science, and the relationship between church and state. For Christians in particular during this time, it offered a compelling vision of the soul’s journey after death.

The immense popularity and influence of The Divine Comedy can be attributed to Dante’s mastery of complex subject matter, vivid imagery and use of the vernacular Italian language instead of Latin. It established him as the father of the modern Italian language and one of history’s greatest poets. His epic work continues to inspire scholars, artists, and readers worldwide with its blend of spiritual questions, social commentary and poetic beauty.


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