Down And Out In Paris And London by George Orwell

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First published: 9th January 1933

Number of Words: 68,000

Avg. Time to Read: 4 - 6 hours


Down and Out in Paris and London is a semi-autobiographical book by George Orwell, published in 1933. It is based on his experiences in the late 1920s working as a dishwasher in Paris and London kitchens and living with vagrants and tramps.

The first few chapters of the book recount Orwell’s time in Paris where he worked for a short period as a plongeur or dishwasher at a hotel. He describes the difficult and tedious work involved in washing mountains of dishes by hand for long hours. Orwell portrays the indignities of life as a poor foreigner in Paris, unable to speak French, and struggling with poverty and homelessness.

Later sections follow Orwell to London as he continues to take on various odd jobs to survive, including working as a porter in a luxury hotel. He describes the grim living conditions for the down-and-out in London during that time, staying at dosshouses and among tramps. Orwell comments on economic and social issues including unemployment. He also depicts some of the characters he encountered among London’s destitute community.

The book reflected Orwell’s experiences with the darker sides of life among the lower classes and homeless. It gave him insight into societal issues like economic insecurity and inequality. Published during the Great Depression, Down and Out in Paris and London was a brutally honest first-hand account of poverty in Europe. The book established Orwell as an important social critic and paved the way for his later works exploring similar themes such as political corruption and totalitarianism under the guise of socialism.


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