Fathers & Sons by Ivan Turgenev

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First published: February 1862

Number of Words: 81,000

Avg. Time to Read: 5 - 7 hours

Translator: C. J. Hogarth


Fathers and Sons was written by Ivan Turgenev and published in 1862. The novel explores the conflict between generations on the cusp of revolutionary change in 19th century Russian society. The protagonist, Yevgeny Bazarov, is part of the younger generation deeply influenced by the ideas of nihilism. He rejects religious, political and social dogma, tradition and romanticism, leading to clashes with the older generation represented by his friends’ fathers. Through the character of Bazarov, Turgenev introduced the idea of the nihilist to Russian literature.

The book caused great controversy upon its release in Russia due to its apparent sympathies with the nihilist philosophy. It was seen as a betrayal of Russian ideals and values. However, it was also a huge success internationally and brought Turgenev even greater fame throughout Europe. The generational conflict and clash of ideas depicted in Fathers and Sons resonated strongly beyond Russia’s borders as well. The novel is considered a masterpiece of realism and one of the first major works of Russian literature to gain widespread international recognition.

Turgenev draws out the ideological differences and tensions between Bazarov and Arkady, who represents the younger generation influenced by but not fully committed to nihilism, versus their conservative fathers. Through the characters and their debates, he explores many issues facing Russian society at the time, such as the role of the intelligentsia, land reform, and women’s place. The work provides a fascinating window into the social and cultural changes taking place in the 1860s.

Fathers and Sons has endured and remains widely read today. Its depiction of generational conflict and clash of philosophies continues to resonate in modern times. The novel cemented Turgenev’s stature as one of the foremost Russian authors and played a major role in bringing Russian literature onto the global stage. It established him internationally as the chronicler of his era.


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