Faust Part I by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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First published: 1808

Number of Words: 38,500

Avg. Time to Read: 2 - 4 hours

Translator: Bayard Taylor


Faust Part I is considered one of the greatest works of German literature. Goethe worked on different versions of the story throughout his life, but the first part was published in 1808. It tells the story of Faust, a dissatisfied scholar who makes a deal with the devil, represented by Mephistopheles. Faust agrees to give his soul to the devil in exchange for the opportunity to experience all that life has to offer.

The play explores many profound philosophical and theological themes through Faust’s adventures and interactions orchestrated by Mephistopheles. In the opening scenes, Faust’s studies of law, medicine, and theology leave him feeling unfulfilled. He turns to magic and summons Mephistopheles, who presents the deal that sets the plot in motion. Faust experiences love and lust through his interactions with Gretchen, which lead to tragedy.

Throughout Part I, Faust is led down darker and more depraved paths by Mephistopheles, though he still holds out hope that his experiences will satisfy him. In some of the most famous scenes, Faust witnesses classical Greek myths come to life and indulges in extreme sensual pleasures. But Mephistopheles is always there to corrupt even Faust’s loftiest ideals.

The first part ends on a cliffhanger, with Faust’s fate still unknown as he follows Mephistopheles into continued adventures, leaving the audience to ponder the consequences of Faust’s pact with the devil. Goethe would not publish Part II until 1832, just before his death. Part I established Goethe as one of the great literary figures of the German Romantic movement through its exploration of profound philosophical questions.


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