Middlemarch by George Eliot

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First published: 1871-72

Number of Words: 321,000

Avg. Time to Read: 25 - 30 hours


Middlemarch is widely considered George Eliot’s masterwork, published in eight parts between 1871 and 1872. Set in the fictitious Midlands town of Middlemarch in 1830-32, the novel follows multiple storylines and a large cast of characters, especially focusing on the lives and challenges of the idealistic Dorothea Brooke and the young physician Tertius Lydgate. Eliot delves deeply into the societal pressures and expectations faced by her characters, as well as issues like the role of women, religious dissent, and political reform during this era.

While following the private lives and romantic entanglements of its characters, Middlemarch also comments on a broader scope of social themes through detailed observations of provincial life. Eliot demonstrates her nuanced understanding of human psychology and motivation through fully developed protagonists seeking personal growth and fulfillment against the backdrop of a changing world. The interweaving narratives showcase Eliot’s unparalleled skill at blending complex individual storylines with the larger social novel format.

Upon its initial publication, Middlemarch was praised for the authenticity and breadth of its portrait of English provincial society. Today it remains one of the most respected and widely studied examples of Victorian realism due to its deep insights into human nature, relationships, and the social pressures of its time through absorbing, emotionally resonant characters and plotlines. Middlemarch is a true literary masterpiece that deserves its status as one of the great English novels.


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