Moby Dick by Herman Melville

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First published: 18th October 1851

Number of Words: 212,000

Avg. Time to Read: 15 - 20 hours


Moby-Dick centers around the whaling ship Pequod and its crew who embark on a hunt for a gigantic whale known as Moby Dick. The whale is renowned for being strong, massive, and almost impossible to kill. It is also missing part of its jaw, which adds to the air of mystery and danger surrounding it. Captain Ahab is obsessed with hunting down this one specific whale as an act of vengeance – Moby Dick previously bit off Ahab’s leg in a past encounter and left him with a prosthetic limb and burning desire for revenge. Over the course of their hunt across the seas, Ahab’s monomaniacal quest increasingly consumes and isolates him from his crew.

Beneath the surface of the exciting whale hunting narrative is a deeper exploration of humanity, obsession, good versus evil, and man’s insignificant smallness against the vast indifferent powers of nature. While praised for its poetic language and intense dramatization of the whaling industry, the novel also works on an allegorical level to examine concepts like fate, destiny, the relationship between mind/body, and humanity’s place in the universe. It has influenced countless other works of literature and remains one of the great American novels for its profound themes and uniquely thrilling storytelling.


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