Oedipus The King, Oedipus At Colonus & Antigone by Sophocles

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First published: c. 420 BC

Number of Words: 38,000

Avg. Time to Read: 3 - 4 hours

Translator: F. Storr


The Theban plays tell the tragic story of Oedipus and his children. In Oedipus the King, the ruler of Thebes discovers he unwittingly killed his father and married his mother, fulfilling a terrible prophecy. As the truth emerges, he gouges out his eyes and leaves in disgrace. Considered a dramatic masterpiece, it explores the limits of human knowledge and the destructive power of fate.

Written later in Sophocles’ life, Oedipus at Colonus finds the exiled Oedipus living in a grove outside Athens under the protection of Theseus. It portrays his final days and peaceful death, which brings blessings to the land. The plays form a connected trilogy, though they were written across four decades – showing Sophocles’ command of storytelling and character arcs over his long career.

In Antigone, the last of the plays, Oedipus’ daughters Antigone and Ismene clash over burying their brother Polynices, who died attacking Thebes. Antigone defies King Creon’s decree and buries him, leading to conflicts with the tyrannical Creon and her family’s downfall. It explores the tension between divine and civic law, individual will versus state authority.

Through these three plays, Sophocles crafted an enduring legend that has resonated for millennia. Their profound examinations of fate, free will, justice, and the curse of the House of Labdacus cemented Sophocles as a master tragedian. Even today, the plays continue to inspire new adaptations and interpretations with their timeless exploration of the human condition.

The Theban plays are Sophocles’ best known works for good reason. Together they form one of the most powerful and influential story arcs in Western literature and theater. Sophocles’ genius is evident in how skillfully he develops these complex, interconnected tales across multiple plays and decades of work. The tragedies remain profoundly moving and thought-provoking.


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