Principles Of Psychology Vol. II by William James

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First published: 1890

Number of Words: 292,000

Avg. Time to Read: 20 - 25 hours


Published in 1890, Principles of Psychology Volume 2 served as a continuation and companion to William James’ seminal first volume. Where Volume 1 focused on establishing psychology as a science and examining topics like consciousness and thought, Volume 2 delved deeper into specific aspects of the human mind. James explored subjects like habit, memory, imagination, reasoning, and the perception of time, space, and number. He provided detailed analyses of these cognitive processes based on empirical observations and philosophical considerations.

Volume 2 also covered affections and emotions in greater depth than the first volume. James introduced his influential “James-Lange theory of emotion,” which posited that physiological responses precede and cause emotional experiences rather than the other way around. He examined emotions like fear, love, and grief and how they manifest physically. James also explored more complex topics like the perception of beauty and the self in Volume 2. He analyzed how individuals develop a sense of identity and personal continuity over time.

Like Volume 1, Volume 2 of Principles of Psychology was highly acclaimed and helped cement James’ status as a founder of modern psychology. The two volumes together established a new empirical, natural science approach to the study of the human mind. While some of James’ specific theories have since been updated or revised, his work remained hugely influential on the development of functionalist and pragmatist philosophical schools of thought. Principles of Psychology as a whole shaped the direction of psychology for decades to come.


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