Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

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First published: 1922

Number of Words: 39,500

Avg. Time to Read: 2.5 - 4 hours


Siddhartha is one of Hermann Hesse’s most celebrated and influential novels. Published in 1922, the book tells the story of Siddhartha, a young Brahmin man living in India in the 5th century BC during the time of the Buddha. Dissatisfied with the orthodox teachings of his time, Siddhartha sets out on a spiritual quest seeking ultimate enlightenment and true meaning in life. He studies under the teachings of Gotama Buddha but remains unfulfilled. This begins Siddhartha’s journey of self-discovery as he explores different philosophies and lives with ascetics and by the river.

Through direct experience and personal exploration, Siddhartha learns the true meaning of love, suffering, and existence. A pivotal moment in the novel is when Siddhartha meets his old friend Govinda years later and Govinda asks what he has learned. Siddhartha explains that words cannot convey ultimate wisdom which can only be found within oneself through their own journey. The novel examines philosophical and religious concepts like Brahmanism, Buddhism, the concepts of Atman and Maya. It portrays the human struggle for spiritual fulfillment beyond any one religion or path.

Siddhartha’s journey of self-realization through worldly experience and personal illumination apart from societal and religious conventions made the book profoundly influential. It has been translated into over 30 languages and remains widely read today for its exploration of inner peace, humanity’s relationship with the universe, and finding purpose in life’s ever-changing circumstances. The novel’s timeless contemplation of spirituality has cemented its place in world literature.


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