The Aeneid by Virgil

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First published: 19 BC

Number of Words: 108,300

Avg. Time to Read: 7 - 10 hours

Translator: John Dryden


The Aeneid was Virgil’s magnum opus and one of the most influential works of Latin literature. Composed in the last decade of Virgil’s life, the poem tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who travels to Italy after the fall of Troy. It is written in dactylic hexameter, the meter of epic poetry established by Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Virgil intended for the Aeneid to establish Rome’s founding mythology and reinforce the rule of his patron, the emperor Augustus. The poem helped shape a Roman national identity linking the Trojans to the origins of Rome.

The Aeneid follows Aeneas’s journeys and trials as he leads the remnants of the Trojan people across the Mediterranean in search of a new homeland. They eventually reach the coast of Italy, where Aeneas fights a war against the Italian king Latinus and marries his daughter Lavinia. The poem also describes Aeneas’s journey to the underworld where he learns of Rome’s destiny. The Aeneid incorporates numerous classical elements including prophecies, divine interventions, battles, love stories, and encounters with Sibyls and monsters.

Virgil worked on the Aeneid for 11 years until his death in 19 BC, leaving the poem unfinished. Even in its incomplete state, the Aeneid established itself as a masterpiece of Latin literature through its compelling characters, epic scope, and themes of imperial destiny, pietas (duty), and Roman virtues. The poem became deeply influential on later Western art and culture, inspiring works across multiple genres and eras.

Through the Aeneid, Virgil sought to justify and glorify Augustus’s rule by tracing the origins of Rome to the Trojan hero Aeneas. The poem helped shape Roman national identity and provided a foundation myth for their imperial ambitions. To this day, the Aeneid remains a towering literary achievement that defined the epic genre for ancient Romans and has resonated with readers for over two millennia.


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