Complete Essays by Michel De Montaigne

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First published: March 1580

Number of Words: 506,000

Avg. Time to Read: 35 - 50 hours


Montaigne’s Essays were first published in 1580 in Bordeaux, France. The initial edition contained two volumes and 88 chapters of varying length. Montaigne continued expanding and revising the Essays for the rest of his life, and the final 1588 publication grew to three volumes and 107 chapters. Unlike traditional philosophical or scholarly works of the time, Montaigne’s Essays explored his own unfiltered thoughts on topics ranging from war and politics to love, friendship and death.

Through the Essays, Montaigne introduced his revolutionary concepts of empiricism and skepticism. He believed that knowledge should be based on direct observation, experience and reason rather than on tradition or pure rationalism. Montaigne also pioneered the idea of writing candidly and introspectively about ordinary life experiences and subjects. His essays examined his own mental state, doubts, fears and changing attitudes over time. Montaigne’s innovative style had a profound influence on future generations and helped establish the modern essay format that is still widely used today. The Essays remain one of the most famous and important works of Renaissance literature.

The Essays gave readers an unparalleled glimpse into Montaigne’s mind and reflections on philosophy, society and human nature. They established him as one of the first and most influential modern thinkers.


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