The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling by Henry Fielding

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First published: 28th February 1749

Number of Words: 350,000

Avg. Time to Read: 25 - 32 hours


The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling was published in 1749 and is widely considered Henry Fielding’s masterpiece. It was one of the earliest English novels to be called a novel, as it had a complex plot and characters. The novel follows the adventures of the foundling Tom Jones from his birth through his youth in Somerset and eventual journey to London to discover his true parentage.

The novel is a prime example of a picaresque novel, as Tom experiences many comedic misadventures and scrapes on his journey to maturity. Through Tom’s actions and the reactions of others to him, Fielding was able to satirize various elements of English society such as hypocrisy, prejudice, and morality. Fielding incorporated many literary techniques such as dramatic irony to add depth and intrigue to the story. The novel was also praised for its mastery of prose style.

The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling was a major commercial success and helped establish the novel as a serious literary genre. It attracted both critical praise and popularity among common readers. The novel’s realistic characters and attention to detail in depicting English society were innovative for the time. Fielding’s ability to blend comedy and sophistication made Tom Jones widely appealing.

The novel remained popular for decades after its publication and influenced many later writers, such as Jane Austen. It helped solidify Fielding’s reputation as one of the most important English novelists of the 18th century. Tom Jones is still celebrated today for its wit, complex characters, and insightful satire of English society and class structure during the mid-18th century. It is considered not only a masterpiece of Fielding’s but one of the greatest English novels ever written.


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