The Iliad by Homer

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First published: 7th Century BC

Number of Words: 154,500

Avg. Time to Read: 10 - 14 hours

Translator: Samuel Butler


The Iliad is widely considered one of the greatest and most influential works of Western literature. Set during the Trojan War, it tells of the quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles, and Achilles’ subsequent withdrawal from battle. This feud and its tragic consequences are seen as pivotal in the war’s outcome. Homer’s original text was composed orally in Ancient Greek in the 8th century BC, though the precise date remains unknown. It represents the earliest work of European literature to have survived intact.

The Iliad captures the brutal realities of war and its terrible human costs. Through vivid descriptions of bloody battles and the complex emotions of its heroes, Homer provides profound insights into honor, hubris, fate and the gods’ roles in mortal affairs. Its exploration of themes like courage, leadership and the desire for immortality has resonated with readers for millennia. The epic form and poetic style Homer established also profoundly influenced the trajectory of Western storytelling.

Translating such a seminal work presented immense challenges that few have attempted. One of the most famous English translations was published in 1900 by scholar and writer Samuel Butler. His version aimed to retain Homer’s original terse, unadorned style while modernizing certain elements for Victorian-era readers. Butler’s Iliad stood out for its accessible yet scholarly approach. He excised later editorial additions to focus on Homer’s authorship, and his translation brought new appreciation for the original’s taut, unembroidered power.

Butler’s Iliad had a significant impact on 20th century English translations that followed. He restored Homer’s sparse yet vivid storytelling through careful attention to poetic form and content. His work played a role in cementing The Iliad’s reputation among both academics and general readers as one of history’s most brilliant literary achievements.


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