The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

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First published: June 1890

Number of Words: 80,000

Avg. Time to Read: 5 - 8 hours


Published in 1890, The Picture of Dorian Gray was Oscar Wilde’s only published novel. The story follows the moral degeneration of the eponymous Dorian Gray through his corruption by shallow aesthetes. Set in Victorian London, the novel was considered quite scandalous at the time due to its themes of hedonism, perceived amorality and influence of corruption. It examines the effects of vice and temptation with Gray remaining youthful as his portrait ages instead.

Wilde wrote the novel at the height of the British aesthetic movement, of which he was a prominent spokesperson. Through Dorian Gray, he explored philosophical ideas that had developed among aesthetes regarding ‘art for art’s sake’ and the pursuit of beauty without moral obligations. The book also engaged with debates around decadence, dandyism and perceived threats to social order. When published, it received heavy criticism from conservative publications for perceived immorality and promotion of values outside Victorian cultural norms.

Beyond the gripping story itself, The Picture of Dorian Gray gave voice to Wilde’s larger views challenging repressive social attitudes of the era. Through its themes of hedonism, perceived amorality and the corrupting influence of the city, it shone a light on taboo topics generating much controversy. Over a century later, the novel remains a seminal work of British gothic fiction and is still discussed for its sophisticated philosophical themes and social commentary.


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