To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

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First published: 5th May 1927

Number of Words: 70,500

Avg. Time to Read: 4 - 6 hours


Virginia Woolf’s seminal modernist novel To the Lighthouse was published in 1927, establishing her reputation as a major figure of the modern era. The work was groundbreaking in its dreamlike, non-linear narrative style and intimate examinations of consciousness. Set over a three-day period, the novel explores profound themes of time passing, loss, and the impact of World War I through the lens of the Ramsay family’s annual summer trips to their vacation home on the Scottish island of Skye.

Beyond the characters and setting, To the Lighthouse provided a compelling portrait of English postwar society in flux. Woolf herself was still processing the losses of brothers in the war, as well as other personal bereavements. The divisions within and between characters, especially regarding gender roles, hinted at cultural shifts taking place at the time. Groundbreaking for its poetic prose and experimentation with stream-of-consciousness narration, the work illuminated the inner psychological landscapes and perceptions of reality in a way that had lasting influence on the modernist movement in literature. While a work of fiction, To the Lighthouse also stands as an artful documentation of the profound social, cultural and emotional aftermath of World War I on British society as a whole.


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