Birthdate: Around 55 AD
Nationality: Greek
Epictetus was an Ancient Greek Stoic philosopher who lived from around 55-135 AD. He was born a slave in what is now modern Turkey and eventually ended up in Rome, where he taught philosophy and attracted devotees to his lectures on Stoic ethics and self-mastery. Epictetus advocated that true freedom comes from rational self-control and detachment from external events which are beyond our control, rather than political status or wealth. His renowned teachings emphasized using personal willpower to attain equanimity and overcome hardships through indifference towards pain, pleasure, and other superficial things in life. Though none of his own writings survive today, we know of Epictetus’ impactful views thanks to the lecture notes of his pupil Arrian, which formed the famous philosophical work titled “The Enchiridion” or “Handbook.”